Answers to the most popular questions we get!
101 articles
Who is eligible to use the Cash Deposit feature?
Why do I need to verify my identity to use this feature?
What information gets shared with Canada Post?
Which Canada Post locations won't support this loading method?
What should I do if my account name and date of birth don't match my photo ID?
How do I load cash into my KOHO account?
How much cash can I load into my account?
How long does it take for the cash to be loaded into my account?
What does the pending status mean?
Why was my Cash Deposit declined?
What if my cash hasn't shown up in my KOHO account?
The amount I deposited differs from what was credited to my KOHO account, what should I do?
What happens if I don't have a receipt for my deposit?
Why can't KOHO find my Credit Report with Equifax?
What information is included in my credit report?
How often can I access my credit report?
What should I do if I find inaccurate information on my credit report?
Why is the credit score for credit report different than my monthly credit score?
Do you perform a credit check for Credit Report?
Who can sign up for Travel Insurance?
How can I pay for Travel Insurance?
I have a question about my Travel Insurance, who do I contact?
What should I do if my trip is delayed?
How does the claims process work with Travel Insurance?
How do I get a refund for Travel Insurance?
How do I change or cancel my Travel Insurance?