Whether you're reimbursing a friend for pizza or lending your sister some cash, sending money instantly to other KOHO members is quick and easy. This payment method is known as KOHO-to-KOHO transfers, or K2K transfers.
Here's how:
In your KOHO app go to Send Money > tap the Add a Recipient icon in the top right-hand corner
Enter the name and email of the KOHO member you want to send money to. You can use either their KOHO login email or their unique KOHO transfer email.
Enter the amount you wish to send
Kindly be aware that you can only send funds from your Spendable balance; Cover funds are not eligible for K2K transfers.
If the instant KOHO-to-KOHO account option is not available, that email is not the one associated with your friend's KOHO account
Carefully review all the details you entered, as you will not be able to change the name of a Recipient once created
Click Send Now
If you are having trouble sending a transfer, check that you have not exceeded the Account Velocity Limits and that the device you're sending from is verified (watch out for an email from KOHO to ensure that's the case!). You can review your account limits directly in-app by tapping on the profile icon (top left) > Account velocity limits.
There is no wait time, your pal will get the funds instantly, and, of course, it's free 💰