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How do I set up direct deposit?
Updated over 2 months ago

These are pre-authorized credits made to your KOHO account once you send your direct deposit details to your payroll department/employer/government agency. Also known as a Direct Load or Pre-Authorized Credit (PAC).

From the KOHO app:

  • In-app, click the $ symbol > Set up direct deposit > and download the direct deposit void cheque. Then, ask your payroll department to have all or a portion of your paycheque go directly to your KOHO account.

  • Make sure your employer is using the exact information that is on your direct deposit form. The payee name on the direct deposit must match the name on your KOHO account.

  • Check that the direct deposit will be within your KOHO account's velocity limits.

From the web portal:

  • Login via and select Set up direct deposits under Add Funds on the right-hand side.

  • Note the Account number, Transit number, and Institution number from your direct deposit information. Then, ask your payroll department to have all or a portion of your paycheque go directly to your KOHO account using this account information.

  • Make sure your employer is using the exact information that is on your direct deposit form. The payee name on the direct deposit must match the name on your KOHO account.

🚨 Important: We require the name on the deposit to match the name of the KOHO account holder. Since KOHO is a financial service and not a bank, we, unfortunately, do not have a swift code or IBAN number, nor can we accept international wire transfers.

Where can I find my routing number?

A routing number combines your bank transit number and institution number to form the routing number for your account.

What are my account limits for direct deposit?

You can review your account limits directly in-app by tapping on the profile icon (top left) > Account velocity limits.

When can I expect my direct deposit to land in my KOHO account?

Our support team is unable to see any upcoming or future direct deposits to your account.

You can typically expect to receive your direct deposit within 1-2 business days of the payment being issued. For CRA deposits, you can expect to receive payments within 5 business days of the scheduled payment date.

Please note that when you set up a new direct deposit to your KOHO account, we’ll need to review it before loading. This should be done by 12 PM EST. As you continue getting direct deposits from the same source to your KOHO account, they’ll be loaded earlier in the day. If you haven't received a direct deposit by 12 PM EST on your expected payday, reach out to us in-app to assist!

We don't process direct deposits on Sundays!

Reach out to us in-app if you have any questions 🤔

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